Music Readiness Class: Ages 4-7

Children’s brains at this age are over twice as active as adults’. They begin to develop FUNDAMENTAL MUSIC SKILLS, meaning they can start replicating songs with accurate melody, rhythm, and physical coordination. Group singing can expand their vocabulary and its integration into sentences.

In this class we explore the three organic instruments with which we are born: our voice, our hands and our feet. When we learn to use these inherent instruments musically, then we are more successful at making inanimate, external instruments produce music that is beautiful and inspiring to the mind and soul. Watch our video about Music Readiness

The musical integration of small movement (such as playing instruments) and large muscle movement (such as dance) builds whole-body balance and coordination. Students will have exposure to the piano, ukulele, guitar and drums.

Furthermore, young children are naturally social so lessons are structured to support positive interaction in dynamic, affirming, and creative ways.

Each section includes four classes per month (classes falling on Monday holidays will be made up on a Friday as determined and announced by the teacher.)

Check out our Freebies page for Music Readiness HERE

Price: $100/month

Duration: 60 Minutes

Thank you for your interest in enrolling!!

We’re so glad that you’ve decided to expand your family’s musical enjoyment through study at the Springer Music Studio!! Please call (321)529-1994 to register.