Interested in taking lessons? Want a preview? or to expose your child to live musical performances by children? Join us for our public performances.
Saturday, June 7th | 2:45pm – 4:00pm
The students are so excited and busily preparing for their “red-carpet” performance event. The performance space is elegant, acoustically live, and roomy for extended family and friends. The piano is a brand-new concert-grande Steinway. We have a surprise Finale planned. I fully expect parents to become our very own paparazzi, as they do for every recital! RSVP: 201-255-7755
Saturday, March 29th | 2:30pm until 4:00pm
Giving Back is a beautiful thing, especially when music is involved. Join us for a community service event and inter-generational performance.
Address: 7600 River Road, North Bergen, NJ, 07047
Phone Number: (201) 854-5000